Source code for text2array.vocab

# Copyright 2019 Kemal Kurniawan
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from collections import Counter, UserDict, defaultdict
from typing import (
    Counter as CounterT,

from ordered_set import OrderedSet  # type: ignore
from tqdm import tqdm  # type: ignore

from .samples import FieldName, FieldValue, Sample

[docs]class Vocab(UserDict, MutableMapping[FieldName, "StringStore"]): """A dictionary from field names to `StringStore` objects as the field's vocabulary.""" PAD_TOKEN = "<pad>" UNK_TOKEN = "<unk>" def __getitem__(self, name: FieldName) -> "StringStore": try: return super().__getitem__(name) except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"no vocabulary found for field name '{name}'")
[docs] def stoi(self, samples: Iterable[Sample]) -> Iterable[Sample]: """Convert strings in the given samples to integers according to this vocabulary. This conversion means mapping all the (nested) string field values to integers according to the mapping specified by the `StringStore` object of that field. Field names with no entry in the vocabulary are ignored. Note that the actual conversion is lazy; it is not performed until the resulting iterable is iterated over. Args: samples (~typing.Iterable[Sample]): Samples to convert. Returns: ~typing.Iterable[Sample]: Converted samples. """ return map(self._apply_to_sample, samples)
[docs] def itos(self, samples: Iterable[Sample]) -> Iterable[Sample]: """Convert integers in the given samples to strings according to this vocabulary. This method is essentially the inverse of `~Vocab.stoi`. Args: samples (~typing.Iterable[Sample]): Samples to convert. Returns: ~typing.Iterable[Sample]: Converted samples. """ return map(lambda s: self._apply_to_sample(s, index=False), samples)
[docs] @classmethod def from_samples( cls, samples: Iterable[Sample], options: Optional[Mapping[FieldName, dict]] = None, pbar: Optional[tqdm] = None, ) -> "Vocab": """Make an instance of this class from an iterable of samples. A vocabulary is only made for fields whose value is a string token or a (nested) sequence of string tokens. It is important that ``samples`` be a true iterable, i.e. it can be iterated more than once. No exception is raised when this is violated. Args: samples (~typing.Iterable[Sample]): Iterable of samples. pbar: Instance of `tqdm <>`_ for displaying a progress bar. options: Mapping from field names to dictionaries to control the creation of the vocabularies. Recognized dictionary keys are: * ``min_count`` (`int`): Exclude tokens occurring fewer than this number of times from the vocabulary (default: 1). * ``pad`` (`str`): String token to represent padding tokens. If ``None``, no padding token is added to the vocabulary. Otherwise, it is the first entry in the vocabulary (index is 0). Note that if the field has no sequential values, no padding is added. String field values are *not* considered sequential (default: ``<pad>``). * ``unk`` (`str`): String token to represent unknown tokens with. If ``None``, no unknown token is added to the vocabulary. This means when querying the vocabulary with such token, an error is raised. Otherwise, it is the first entry in the vocabulary *after* ``pad``, if any (index is either 0 or 1) (default: ``<unk>``). * ``max_size`` (`int`): Maximum size of the vocabulary, excluding ``pad`` and ``unk``. If ``None``, no limit on the vocabulary size. Otherwise, at most, only this number of most frequent tokens are included in the vocabulary. Note that ``min_count`` also sets the maximum size implicitly. So, the size is limited by whichever is smaller. (default: ``None``). Returns: Vocab: Vocabulary instance. """ if pbar is None: # pragma: no cover pbar = tqdm(samples, desc="Counting", unit="sample") if options is None: options = {} counter: Dict[FieldName, CounterT[str]] = defaultdict(Counter) seqfield: Set[FieldName] = set() for s in samples: for name, value in s.items(): if cls._needs_vocab(value): counter[name].update(cls._flatten(value)) if isinstance(value, Sequence) and not isinstance(value, str): seqfield.add(name) pbar.update() pbar.close() m = {} for name, c in counter.items(): opts = options.get(name, {}) # Padding and unknown tokens pad = opts.get("pad", cls.PAD_TOKEN) unk = opts.get("unk", cls.UNK_TOKEN) inits = [] if name in seqfield and pad is not None: inits.append(pad) if unk is not None: inits.append(unk) store = StringStore(inits, default=unk) min_count = opts.get("min_count", 1) max_size = opts.get("max_size") n = len(store) for tok, freq in c.most_common(): if freq < min_count or (max_size is not None and len(store) - n >= max_size): break store.add(tok) m[name] = store return cls(m)
[docs] def extend( self, samples: Iterable[Sample], fields: Optional[Iterable[FieldName]] = None, ) -> None: """Extend vocabulary with field values in samples. Args: samples (~typing.Iterable[Sample]): Samples to extend the vocabulary with. fields: Extend only these field names. Defaults to all field names in the vocabulary. """ if fields is None: fields = self.keys() for s in samples: for name in fields: store = self[name] val = s[name] if isinstance(val, str): val = [val] store.update(val)
@classmethod def _needs_vocab(cls, val: FieldValue) -> bool: if isinstance(val, str): return True if isinstance(val, Sequence): return False if not val else cls._needs_vocab(val[0]) return False @classmethod def _flatten(cls, xs) -> Iterator[str]: if isinstance(xs, str): yield xs return # must be an iterable, due to how we use this function for x in xs: yield from cls._flatten(x) def _apply_to_sample(self, sample: Sample, index: bool = True) -> Sample: fn = self._index_value if index else self._get_value s = {} for name, value in sample.items(): try: store = self[name] except KeyError: s[name] = value else: s[name] = fn(store, value) return s @classmethod def _index_value(cls, store: "StringStore", value: FieldValue) -> FieldValue: if isinstance(value, str): return store.index(value) if not isinstance(value, Sequence): return value return [cls._index_value(store, v) for v in value] @classmethod def _get_value(cls, store: "StringStore", value: FieldValue) -> FieldValue: if not isinstance(value, Sequence): return store[value] if isinstance(value, str): return value return [cls._get_value(store, v) for v in value]
[docs]class StringStore(OrderedSet): """An ordered set of strings, with an optional default value for unknown strings. This class implements both `~typing.MutableSet` and `~typing.Sequence` with `str` as its contents. Example: >>> from text2array import StringStore >>> store = StringStore('abb', default='a') >>> list(store) ['a', 'b'] >>> store.add('b') 1 >>> store.add('c') 2 >>> list(store) ['a', 'b', 'c'] >>> store.index('a') 0 >>> store.index('b') 1 >>> store.index('d') 0 Args: initial: Initial elements of the store. default: Default string as a representation of unknown strings, i.e. those that do not exist in the store. """ def __init__( self, initial: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, default: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(initial) self.default = default def index(self, s: str) -> int: try: return super().index(s) except KeyError: if self.default is not None: return super().index(self.default) raise ValueError(f"cannot find '{s}'") def __eq__(self, o) -> bool: if not isinstance(o, StringStore): return False return self.default == o.default and super().__eq__(o) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({list(self)!r}, default={self.default!r})" # We need to customize __getstate__ and __setstate__ because OrderedSet override these # to pickle only the sequence of items, resulting in `default` always set to None def __getstate__(self): return { "initial": super().__getstate__(), "default": self.default, } def __setstate__(self, state): super().__setstate__(state.get("initial", [])) self.default = state.get("default")